Would you continue this friendship? Read description first.

An old middle school friend (my longest friend) met up me with 1.5 years postpartum and said she needed more from me or the friendship wasn’t going to last. I had been distant due to becoming a first time mom (and the craziness that brings), marriage problems that are requiring therapy for both of us, as well as battling severe PPA & PPD. I revealed this and she basically said that stinks and must be hard, but that I still wasn’t giving enough and she needed me to invest more in the friendship....more time and more energy. She said she wants people in her life that WANT to be in her life.

My life has been so, so hard since becoming a mom and this conversation rubbed me the wrong way and honestly made me sad. I have other friends I can go two years without seeing or talking to and when we reconnect, we pick right back up.

Would you continue this friendship? I’m honestly hurt. She is a friend from middle school who I used to consider my best friend and we are now in our 30’s.

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