All my mum talks about is my unborn child

I'm just so annoyed, it's all I hear. I get she's excited but she takes it way too far. Literally hours everyday going on and on about baby stuff. Even talking about pottys and asking what sorta potty I plan on buying. I'm 15 weeks pregnant with my first, I hadn't even decided on cloth or disposable diapers let alone toilet training. Then she drags out her old ultrasound pictures to compare my fetus head shape to my baby's head shape. She'll get on her computer and scroll through the target website and expect me to get up every 2 mins to look at things she's found for the baby. It's literally hours and hours everyday (I'm moving out soon). It's also her first grandchild so I understand she's excited but it's just too much. Anyone else experience this? I sound so ungrateful but I'm just tired of it honestly