Who is transitioning from formula or breast milk to whole milk ?


Long story short, my son was supposed to be a June baby.... Turned into an April 23rd baby. Was on the boob until he was 9 months then on stored/ frozen breast milk until I ran out has been on formula until now (11 months), still eating purées and only eating a few real finger foods. Still no teeth. Crawling, talking/babbling, saying mama dada, sitting, trying to stand, hitting most milestones with strides for a premie. He takes 4-5 (sometimes 6) 6 ounce bottles of formula a day with 3 square meals a day with snacks in between. Today I started mixing 5 ounces of formula with one ounce of whole milk and he seemed fine with it. My goal is to do this for a few days and keep adding more milk and less formula until he is on just milk by his bday next month. Now, this is not my first rodeo. But it has been a hot minute since I have had a baby lol! My other two are 15 years old and 11 years old. Is it too early or am I behind ?