I need advice...

Im married and we have a 9 week old. We planned the pregnancy. I even had to take Clomid to ovulate..

My husband was so helpful the first 2 weeks after my c section..

However, he isnt helpful at all anymore. Like hes maybe changed 2 diapers since then.

He works 10 hrs a day and i stay home with baby. I do my best to get to baby before he starts crying at night just so he can sleep because he has to get up early for work.

Here lately, he makes remarks about how easy stay at home moms have it.

Last night, we were talking and he told me that i have no right to be tired because i wanted to be a stay at home mom...

Hes constantly making me feel so beneath him...

I have our baby literally 24/7. I dont complain about it. But our baby wakes up 3ish times throughout night to eat. And the other night was super colicky so i had said that i was tired...

We barely spend any time together because after work, he goes to workout. I was telling him how i felt and he flipped it and made me feel so tiny..

I love him so much but im breaking...