CD37 23dpo bfn

Amber • We are in our 40s ttc. I have had one son, age now in his mid 20s from a former relationship and he has a set of twin boys, age 20 and a daughter in.her late 20s from a previous relationship. Honestly we quit "trying" and have the "if it happens" attitude

I'm starting to get weirded out

AF has been regular 26-28 days for the last 3 years. This cycle is Hella long and I dont want to say anything to the hubs until I know one way or another whats going on.

On CD37, 23dpo and officially 7-10 days late today. Bfn 7 days ago and again today.

On cd 14 I had some pinkish spotting and mild cramping, I have been super fatigued and I have had a headache every day for the last 2 weeks. Ibuprofen helps. Still no AF. Has anyone else been this late with a BFN?