Bf choosing other girls

Do you ever see a certain girl and fire and rage just sparks from within? My bf had started to drop me for his “girl friends” and gave me absolutely no attention for a certain time during our relationship. He gave those girls literally everything. He would drive them everywhere, be at their house till super late almost everyday and completely ignored my feelings, I was so heartbroken by it that I decided to end our relationship. Before the break up, I even reached out to the girls to let them know how I was feeling & even then they were up his ass. He even gave them my birthday gifts a day after we broke up. Asshole move & he has apologized for it so much since then. He was the one that begged to take me back and that he was done playing games and starting over. Although he’s been trying for months now since that incident, I still feel so hurt inside. He dropped those girls and gives me all his attention and love. It’s hard to see those girls pix & faces (I see them bc we have mutual friends) & whenever I see them I get super angry inside & extremely insecure because I feel like my bf will just drop me for them again, I have Unhealed trauma it seems, & I just can’t help but feel so hurt & insecure. I hate seeing them, I get so sad, I just can’t control my emotions. I don’t know what to do or how to heal from it