
Hello lady's. Just thought I'd share my story for an uplifter. I had two beautiful boys only 11 months apart one born on 9-27-11 the other born 8-22-12. It was tough. Lol. While enjoying the new family life I had found out I was pregnant again October 2014. After planning for another baby the unexpected happened. I started bleeding. I immediately went to the hospital to find out the baby's hcg levels weren't growing they were declining. We were devastated. I had to get a d&c to remove the baby at six weeks. October 27,2014. So the doctors strongly suggested to wait a firm six months before trying again. We've waited that long and magically we found out we were expecting another child, we found out November 20,2015. I was so excited but the thought of miscarriage kept repeating in my head over and over again like a broken record. November 25,2015 I started cramping horribly at work. Devastated, I went to the hospital. They couldn't tell me anything because I was considered to early in my pregnancy to tell what the issue would be. Left with worry, pain, and empty thoughts I decided to get another opinion. The place I delivered my two healthy boys. The doctor I had was amazing he went through every step of the pelvic exam with me, ultrasound, and his thoughts. He said his exams came out completely normal. Everything looked fine. Then he came in right before I was going to leave and told me my hcg levels more than doubled in the last two days. It was like hitting the lottery. At this time, I know a healthy pregnancy is in my future. It looks so promising from here on out. Besides dealing with an ovarian sist, that's the best news I've received. Moral of my story is that you should never lose hope. Faith, the word I always lean on is there to pick me up every single time.