Starting to struggle

Alexandra • 👼🏼💕 July 2020 ~ Triploidy Syndrome 👶🏼🌈 💕 Baby Girl Ivy Gabrielle welcomed 6 May 2021

Aside from 1 month break, I’ve been pregnant for almost 1 year now. I fell pregnant in April last year and lost the baby in July. I then feel pregnant again in August the first time we tried again and obviously so so blessed that had happened but now I’m ready to not be pregnant anymore. Third trimester is HARD! The constant anxious thought I have every morning when I wake up of “is she okay in there” is draining, plus carrying around more weight, the babies movements leave me feeling sick, restless legs are unbearable and wow the heartburn. Counting down the weeks now. So If you’re having a tough time, you’re not alone ❤️