Looking for other TTC ladies to chat with<3

Shay • 24 ♡ Wife ♡ Momma Bear x3 & expecting #4 June 2020
Let me start off by saying hi, and my name is Shay. I am 20 (just turned 20 a week ago). I know this page is for under 20, but I feel more comfortable talking to people closer to my age and on the 20+ page, they're all 24 and up. 
My fiancé and I have been trying (just not using protection) for a year, but now we are ready to start really trying! 
Update on me: 
My last period was Oct. 5- Oct. 14. (Irregular cycles) I am 30 days late and terrified of taking a test and getting a BFN. Symptoms include: nausea (on and off), sharp pelvic pain (on and off), lower back pain (on and off). No bleeding of any kind. 
I'm looking for people I can text / iMessage with pretty regularly to help me and me help them get through this terrifying yet hopefully rewarding process. :) 
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Posted at
I am 19 about to be twenty. I am trying for my first baby with my fiance as well. I have been trying for a year and I am late on my period 2nd day now, I had some light spotting yesterday , so hopefuly. But I would love to talk if you need someone.


Hope • Dec 3, 2015
To you as well!


An • Dec 3, 2015
We're in a very similar situation! Babydust to you!! x


Posted at
I'm 18 almost 19 &amp; been ttc for a year! I have pcos and went without a period for 6 months... I got my last period on the 2nd of November &amp; hoping that I ovulated!!! We can iMessage if you like? x&nbsp;


Posted at
Hi, turned 18 2 weeks ago, me and my fiancé have been trying for 7 months. I have PCOS and my last period was the 12th-17th November.I just had a high surge so all fingers crossed.Would love to talk to someone on iMessage who is like me.


Lucy • Dec 3, 2015
Yeah I'd love to talk


An • Dec 3, 2015
I'm also 18 and had my AF on the 2nd of November! We can talk if you like, oh I also have pcos and been ttc for 11 months x


Posted at
I am 18 turning 19 soon. Me and my husband have been trying for 2 months. I hope Dec is my month.I really want a baby so bad. And love to have ladies to talk to. I always talk my husband ear off with this stuff. I am 2 dpo and Af is Dec 11th hope it doesn&apos;t show up. Baby dust to all you ladies out there. ❇✨🌠


Tiarra • Dec 3, 2015
Yes you can. I'm sorry that happend to you. and I would love to talk to you(:


🍼Shaday💞💞 • Dec 3, 2015
Can i join? i would like to talk to someone who understands and in the same age group as me.. been trying for 6 months now, I got a positive test and confirmed it with my doctor, i started bleeding yesterday. i did an immediate ultrasound for a fetal scan but nothing was there and also found a cyst on my left ovary. So that's me TTC


Tiarra • Dec 2, 2015
find me on Facebook my named tiarra villalobos my photos in black and white.


Posted at
I'm 26, but you can talk to me if you'd like. I'm TTC number 1 with my husband, and we are in our second month of trying. Good luck to you!


Ch • Dec 2, 2015
That's totally fine. Haha


Shay • Dec 2, 2015
Sounds awesome! :) As long as you're okay with chatting with a 20 year old who is new to this! :)