Intense baby fever after twins

I need support guys. My husband has a vasectomy and we have three young kids. Twin boys who are 16 months old and our daughter who is almost 3. Can someone tell me WHY I am wanting another baby?! We were pretty adamant at being completely finished with having children. But I feel like a fool for thinking that right after I had newborn twins on my plate as well as a toddler running around. I mean looking back now we were exhausted and mentally not prepared to make such a decision. I mean who wouldn’t want a vasectomy after giving birth and being pushed to your limits with 3 under 2? Now everyone sleeps through the night and takes one long nap a day. And I get so sad thinking of never having another baby again🥺 I’ve talked to my husband about it and we both agreed now is not the right time and we would have to be 100% sure we wanted to TTC because ultimately he would need to get a vasectomy reversal which he’s not opposed to but the vasectomy was very painful for him. (The doctor cut him open without testing to make sure he was numbed up. Obviously he wasn’t.) and now he’s traumatized, understandably so. He would do the reversal though if we were sure we wanted another baby. But gosh I just keep thinking about being pregnant again and having another addition to our family. I even feel like we’re meant to have more. I mean I’m still exhausted from chasing after my 3 toddlers all day but soon enough my oldest will be in preschool and then kindergarten and then my twins will follow a year or so after that. And financially we would be able to afford another one but I just don’t know if it’s a “phase” I’m having and being over infatuated with the thought of having another baby. I just feel deep down inside of me that I’m not done. Can anyone relate??