Second pregnancy (first was a miscarriage)...

I am new to this app and thought I'd join in on the discussions and share my thoughts. Last year in November I found out I was pregnant, I went into the doctors and they did an ultrasound and measured me at 4 weeks(very early) but nothing was in the gestational sac. They said to come back in a week to see if anything has changed but before that week was up I started spitting lightly. I called the doctors and they told me to come in immediately and diagnosed me with a blighted ovum. A few days later I had a miscarriage. I was so distraught as it was my first pregnancy and I was so excited, I told everyone. The same time this year I found out I am pregnant again, but am so nervous about history repeating itself, I can't help but just worry. I know it's not good for me or this pregnancy but I am just so scared. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!