Nicu stay


I just had my baby at 36 weeks and 2 days. He’s in the nicu because at first he couldn’t regulate his blood sugar, temp, or oxygen saturation. Today he’s still working on his temperature regulation. Anyone ever in the same situation tell me their story on how long they had to be in the NICU? I know all babies are different. I just need reassurance. Also we live 40 min away and got offered to stay at the Ronald McDonald house however we turned it down and will commute everyday to see him due to our daughter. Is that a bad idea? I feel bad for leaving our baby in the NICU but also have another kid and school. This is all so new to me as my daughter was full term. Also what was your nicu Bill like 🥴 of course I want him to stay as long as he needs to get well I’m just curious.