Time change


Ok i know it has been over two weeks but my LO is just not adjusted to the time change. I mean that must be it. She was on 2 naps a day and going to bed at 7 with absolutely no problem. Then the time change and everything went horribly. Naps were an issue and going to sleep a complete nightmare. Two sleep consultants told me she should be on just 1 nap but she still seems too tired to drop the nap just bc she is almost 18 months. And it can’t be coincidental she needs to drop a nap same week as time change.

I did however listen to them thinking that was it well two weeks later its just been awful. I’ve tried multiple different schedules and nothing has worked. Anyone else going through something like this?

I have decided to go back to our regular schedule starting today. And i feel like a horrible mom so thats not helping