Would you leave?

My husband and I have been married 5 years together 10. He has CHANGED. Now he is starting to do sneaky things behind my back. He spends more time either sleep, with his parents, or playing the Xbox. He has started smoking weed HEAVY. He doesn’t have a job and hasn’t since January. He is wanting to start a truck business and refuses to work until that happens. Yesterday he let someone “borrow” our car for 2 months. He refuses to tell me where it is or who he gave it to. Meanwhile I’m forced to still make the pymts and pay the insurance. He said since I’m working from home I don’t need a car. Even though he leaves me in the house for hours and hours with 4 kids. Last night I woke up at 2am and he wasn’t next to me. He came home around 4am no explanation. Im so emotionally drained. He refuses to go to therapy because he sees nothing wrong. Even tho I’m the only one working he makes me get up with our 4 month old every night. I took my older 3 kids to an appointment today and left him home with the baby he slept the entire time he didn’t feed her or change her when I got home she was soak and wet screaming. I’m so confused. Should I really throw 10 years away

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