Braxton hicks or contractions
So i am 35 weeks and a 2nd time mom. With my first i was induced at 37 weeks due to baby measuring small and never experienced Braxton hicks during that pregnancy. I do have them this time around. During the past hour i have been having tightening (like BH), but also mild cramps kind of period like. I have been getting them about every 3 minutes and lasting from 30-45 seconds. I feel it in my lower belly and pelvic area below panty line. The cramps aren't terrible, but still a little painful and uncomfortable. I'm not sure if i am just having braxton hicks or the start of preterm labor. They first began at 5:20pm when i was in the car and it is now 6:30pm. They seemed to have stopped now as i am laying down on my left side. Is it possible to get braxton hicks that frequently?
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