Braxton hicks or contractions

So i am 35 weeks and a 2nd time mom. With my first i was induced at 37 weeks due to baby measuring small and never experienced Braxton hicks during that pregnancy. I do have them this time around. During the past hour i have been having tightening (like BH), but also mild cramps kind of period like. I have been getting them about every 3 minutes and lasting from 30-45 seconds. I feel it in my lower belly and pelvic area below panty line. The cramps aren't terrible, but still a little painful and uncomfortable. I'm not sure if i am just having braxton hicks or the start of preterm labor. They first began at 5:20pm when i was in the car and it is now 6:30pm. They seemed to have stopped now as i am laying down on my left side. Is it possible to get braxton hicks that frequently?

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Posted at
With my 1st I did not have them as much , or I did not noticed them as much, now I know because its my 2nd . Im 35 weeks as well and i have them all day . 🤷🏼‍♀️


Posted at
Yes that’s possible! Im also experiencing much more frequent and painful Braxton Hicks this second pregnancy than I did with my first. My doctor said it’s because my body has already done it once before and just remembers what is gearing up for. If you ever wonder if it’s labor, look up Sarah lavonne Bundle Birth on YouTube. She is a labor nurse and has a few videos on the differences on Braxton Hicks and real labor contractions. Because it lessened when you changed position, that’s a good sign it’s Braxton Hicks. If it were labor, it wouldn’t matter what position you’re in, it would get more intense over time and wouldn’t lessen. Good luck! These Braxton Hicks are no joke :/ Right there with you!


Posted at
Yes it is possible! I have been struggling with irritable uterus since around 22 weeks and commonly get BH contractions the way you’re describing for hours at a time every day! Although, if it feels abnormal for you then by all means go get checked out. Better to be safe than sorry for sure!


Posted at
I didn’t get them with my first either, this time I have them all the time! Drinking lots of water and laying down/resting helps.