Miserable 24/7 these days😞

I’ve had a crap ton of things going on and idk how much more I can take. The last few months have been endless days of heart ache and stress from work, family issues, and just life in general😞. I’ve cried every day this week so far. My depression is showing through and I’ve been so miserable and cranky at work the last 2 weeks. I started a new job nearly 7 weeks ago and I have a love/hate relationship with it right now. I’m trying to keep my spirits up but I feel like all hope has been lost💔. Hard to advance and learn new things when they make you repeat the same lowly task every single time for every shift. I truly don’t think quitting is the answer though. I want to talk to them about how I feel but I feel so defeated and upset that idk how I can still do it in a respectful and professional manner After a very upsetting work experience from a previous job it has carried over into my present jobs and still affects the way I interact with managers and leaders.

It also doesn’t help that I’m stressed af about how I’ll be able to get into an apartment asap. I mean heck I’m living a fricking motel right now bc I could no longer stay with my parents bc of some family issues.

I just want a break from everything. I feel worthless at my job and I feel unappreciated there. I don’t necessarily want to kill myself but sometimes I wish something would happen to me. Idk anymore...anyways if anyone read it to this point thank you for putting up with my long rant