BF got new job vent

So I’ve been dating my BF for 4 months, but we were friends for 2 years, so I know him well. Back in November we decided to become more than friends because we started hanging out in person more often, about 2-3 times a week. We had always liked each other, so hanging out in person more in a different setting just increased the feelings. We would hang out at each others houses for about more than an hour cause that’s what both our schedules would allow us (both our parents don’t know about us) This time together made everything feel like it was moving forward. We were sharing moments that can’t be shared over text messages. It felt like we were progressing as a couple and getting comfortable with each other since hanging out in person that frequently was new to us. But just when everything was going great, he accepted a new job that interferes with our usual hang out time. So basically we won’t be able to hang out anymore on those days and we’re basically back to before which is one day to hangout when we go running at a local park , since that’s how we originally met. I knew he was applying for this job since he told me about it but I never knew the time schedule was different because he didn’t mention the schedule was different than his current job. I got really upset since I was applying for jobs that wouldn’t interfere with our hang out time and so I didn’t apply for jobs that had more potential because I cared about the quality time we were having. I tried not to dwell on the fact that I did something so dumb for a guy that wouldn’t even do the same for me. I understand it’s his life, his choices. But I still felt hurt about it. We definitely talked about it and he says that it’s just temporary and that it’s just a setback until we tell our parents then we’ll be able to hang out all the time. I’m trying to think positive about it like he does but I feel like I need that quality time and physical touch in a relationship, especially since this is my first relationship and we’ve only been dating 4 months. I think about going back to just texting and seeing each other once a week and it just makes me want to disappear. I’ve subtly talked about “space” and “taking time” to him and his thoughts are that he would only need space if something major happened in the relationship like cheating. Other than that he said minor stuff like disagreements he would still want to talk to me. That was my attempt to see how he would feel if we didn’t talk for a while and it seems like he doesn’t view the situation as something that would cause us to not talk to each other for weeks. But I was thinking of taking time just to focus on myself again. I feel like I got caught up in the feelings and made dumb choices because I cared so much. It’s gotten to the point that texting makes me sad because it’s just a reminder of how we can’t hang out as much. I’m trying really heard to think positive since it’s not going to be this way forever. But my way of dealing with things is just to distract myself from whatever is causing me sadness. Unfortunately, this time the sadness is because of a person. So I’m not sure what to do