Thank you JESUS!!! πŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ˜©πŸ˜©πŸ˜©πŸ˜©


For over 5 years, my husband and I have been trying to conceive as I will be 40 in August of this year (no live births). Went to a fertility specialist and after testing, was told it’s unexplained reasons as everything looked great. I went to schedule my first <a href="">IUI</a> Feb of 2020 then COVID-19 happened. I felt defeated but thankfully in May of 2020, To my surprise, I conceived naturally. Unfortunately, for my 12 week ultrasound, there was no pole. I had a miscarriage and had a DNC August of 2020. Again, a feeling of defeat! I then started taking clomid 50mg in December and Jan with no results. I also felt terrible after taking Clomid so I made the decision to stop. In March, my period was heavier than usually and I figure it’s due to stopping clomid. The 2nd week of March, I reached out to the fertility specialist to pursue <a href="">IVF</a> with a scheduled appointment for April 27th. However, the last few days, I’ve been having tons of night sweat and hot flashes and I thought something was wrong. I had a strong feeling that just wouldn’t go away that told me to test as today is 2 days before my scheduled period! Below is the result! I cried tears of happiness and thanked God for this miracle. Please Keep my family in your prayers! God bless and happy Easter!