15 weeks questions pregnancy


So I just turned 15 weeks, had an appt at 13 weeks and 4 days, baby looked good. I have another ultrasound next week as well.

I have barely been eating anything during the day like I will go hours without eating and I’m trying so hard but I am just not hungry at all. I’m not nauseous either, I just don’t want to eat... makes me a little worried. I’m also not taking prenatals, I’ve taken 3 different brands and I throw up every single time with or without food so my doctor said not too worry about it. However, I’m not eating which makes me super anxious for baby... I’m drinking water though.

Will this seriously harm the baby by me not eating for long periods of time during the day? I just turned 15 weeks today.. most of my pregnancy I have had crazy food aversions.