Feel like a bad mom already?!

So I'm 16 weeks today and I have always been the baby in my family. I have never been around babies or babysat or anything. I've always disliked babies they just cry and stink too much. My dogs are my babies I have always been very protective of them and spoil them. Well my husband and I decided to grow our family and here I am feeling like I will be a bad mom because I don't know if I will like my baby as much as my dogs. I know I'm a terrible person you don't have to tell me. And I just don't even know what to do with one like all they do is cry and sleep lol at least the dogs you can walk and train and do tricks and play... am I the only one that feels this way?? I feel so clueless like everyone around me is talking about cord blood and cio and diaper cream and colic and latching and I'm just like how can you possibly know all this stuff when this is your first child too! I am completely lost and I feel stupid to voice this to friends or family you know..