ONAY LET ME TAKE YOU WAY BACK TO MAY2020... this was when I was starting to edge off my birthcontrol. Forgetting to take it😬😂 and then I was like “🖕🏼FUCK IT” around June/July and stopped taking it completely by august I had my own home with my fiancé by this time for going on 1.5 years and stable money I didn’t csre if a baby came around and I believed I been ready since then. I haven’t tooken birthcontrol in 8 months and I beleive I was on it for 3-4 years before quitting. Reason why im speaking about last year and 3/4 years ago is because I don’t beleive I can be pregnant at this time due to birthcontrol and being on it so long!!! Anyway we have been going raw no condom for 8 months now and fuck every 2–3 days(cum every time almost 🙀) . But back to now . I had a saliva stone stuck in my jaw☹️ I was in constant pain all last week and took 5 days for these people to realize that maybe I need pain meds because I’m in constant pain.. I took a pregnancy test then and at the time ow as only 1-3 days late. I figured it was stress from my jaw no biggie. Around the time I started feeling better my cat runs away on April fools day 😭😭😭 (she returned home today) and before I started bleeding (very light pink barley any blood) I was going on 11 days with a missed period taking at hoem test almost daily. I usualy get pretty bad cramps a day or 2 before starting and this time I BARLEY felt that. And when I started my period s few hours ago it was litterslly light red/pink and very small amount . I whent away from the bathroom about 2 hours and go to pee and same this agin very light not fully dark red I’m USE TO on my first bleeding day. And I know missed periods+ spotting might be pregnancy👀 and idk if this is concidered spotting or not or if I’m overreacting and this is a RARE light period ?????? LET ME NOT FORGRT TO MENTION IM TSKING PRENATAL VITAMINSE FOR THE PAST 2 WEEKS👋🏼 ***I been using this app for 4 years on the same account my period has NEVERRRR BEEN THIS LATE. Maybe 5days TOPS. Also it would be such a blessing to be gifted with a child on my fiancé’s fathers death date and my sisters birthday (April 10th) reason why I say that is because it usualy takes 14 days to show a positive on a test and April 10th is going to make the 14th day 🥺🥺 I just don’t want to give him false hope... he wants a child to raise too!

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