Is anyone else going it alone?


I'm 42 and never met the right guy. I am doing my first <a href="">IUI</a> treatment this coming cycle and want to bed certain that I am not veins selfish raising a child without a partner. I have great friend but unsupportive family. Has anyone proceeded with TTC under these circumstances?

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I did it, still trying (2 failed transfers) and inbetween met someone. I have 1 frozen embryo left and if it works he&#x27;ll raise him/her as his own. Before I met him I was ready to go solo 100%. Some children with 2 parents have awful lives and there are many amazing single parents who have amazing, balanced kids . Go for it!


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One thing you learn with age is to stop trying to please others and live your life! Good luck


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My friend did and she and her daughter are living their best lives


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Being a mum is the best thing in the world! I have a couple of friends who have had babies, their parents and families were unsupportive, embarrassed, against it etc, but my friends went ahead and once that baby arrived, everything changed and my friend’s parents became the most devoted grandparents in each situation.


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Go for what you truly want. Men will always be a later option. Having your children now is the best. You can meet a guy now and nothing guarantees he will stay or be a great father or spouse.


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I&#x27;m in the middle, relationship and IUI with donorseed, my guy agrees on it but doesn&#x27;t want to go through the hospital procedure himself. I have a friend who &quot;did it alone&quot; and it made her very happy! Becoming a mom was the best thing that happened to her. Go for your dreams and embrace the whole process!