Don’t know what’s wrong

Think my five month old is teething but don’t know how to tell. He feels warm, but no fever. He never ever cries but has been just screaming and inconsolable the past two days. He doesn’t want held, doesn’t want to lay down, he usually falls asleep for naps on his own but will not nap these past two days. Usually sleeps through the night but now has been waking up 5-7 times. I tried a cool teether but that seemed to make things worse the second he chomped down on it so I offered the pacifier and he kept spitting it out after a few sucks and letting out a death scream. I’ve never heard this from him and I don’t know what’s wrong. Am I a bad mom for not knowing how to help him? Any ideas how I can help? He doesn’t seem gassy. He’s been pooping normal. I have no one to help me 😭