Chemical pregnancy? Help



Would this be classed as a chemical pregnancy. This morning test is lighter than yesterday’s 😢

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It looks like it maybe headed that direction! If it does please know that you have done nothing wrong and it is likely due to a chromosomal abnormality. Our bodies are well equipped to determine this! This shows your body is working. It happens quite often and most times we don’t even know it. It is bc you are TTC that you caught it early. I had a chemical pregnancy in Oct 2020. I was broken but grateful to be able to get pregnant. I did have success shortly after in Feb 2021. Virtual hugs 💖


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I had a chemical, and it did get lighter and my digital that was positive, eventually said negative. However when I did get pregnant again, I tested way too much, mornings and nights, and the darkness varied a lot. Gradually it did darken, but hcg takes 48-72 hours to double. So there can be some variation. My baby is now 6 months old. I would test again in 2-3 days, and/or have blood work done. Hopefully it’s not a chemical, but if it is, don’t lose hope. Unfortunately it’s common, but so often one gets pregnant again soon after.


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Hormones shift and change constantly. You don’t need to panic - try to stay calm and patient. If you start bleeding like AF, then you’ll know. It could be a lot of things though: faulty test, bad urine concentration, too much water before bed, etc.