So overwhelmed. Please help.


So many troubles with my LO. Please read.

My LO was sleeping pretty good. She was starting to sleep throughout the night, she would wake up 2-3 times to feed. Seemed like the restless nights were coming to an end. But, Five days after her 2 month vaccinations, we went back to the zero, she hasn’t been sleeping well. She sleeps from 10pm-12am, and in order to get her back to sleep I have to baby wear her, by doing so she’s able to sleep an hr 2 hrs top.

Now, when it comes to breastfeeding her, it gets trickier. She falls asleep on the breast, as soon as I try to lay her down she wakes up, even if she had been asleep for 20min beforehand. So I started feeding her laying down, well she does fall asleep on the breast, but as soon as I take out the nipple, she wakes up and starts crying. She starts looking for the breast, and starts sucking on her hands and when I give her the boob, she rejects it. This has been going on for days and nights. So I started bottle feeding her with express breast milk, she has no problem with the bottle. Until today. So I’m totally confused of what she wants.

During the day she seems to do fine with her naps. Only thing is she wants to only be held, she cries bloody murder when I try to lay her down. I literally need someone to hold her for me so I can do my things. And when it comes down to her naps, she’ll only fall asleep if I wrap her around me.

I started doing a nap time routine, starting at 9, since she usually sleeps around 10pm. I read her a book, massage her while she lets me, change her, feed her, burp her, and lastly lay her down. These past 2 nights, she’s been able to actually sleep on her own. Last night she slept a total of 5 hrs.

I tend to follow the appropriate wake windows. But today she wasn’t having it, she woke up at 4:30am, change and fed her. Once it was time to put her to sleep, she cried non stop. By 6am I gave up trying to put her to sleep, we did tummy time, sang, ate. And once again tried and failed at putting her to sleep. She kept crying, by this I know she’s overtired, so I try rocking her and feed her but wouldn’t bother eating. Long story short, I finally got her to sleep at 12pm. And how was I able to put her to sleep? By wrapping her around me. I’m so scared of sitting down or even try to lay her down.

At this point I’m clueless of what to do, or what’s possibly bothering her. I’m just so overwhelmed and tired.

I’m a FTM, please if you have any advice to give, or even think you know what’s the problem, please comment. I would truly appreciate.