First time pregnancy

Soooo I took a test a few days ago because I was 8 days late for my period and I’m never late. It was positive!! I took another one and it was positive... so a couple days later I’ve taken a test that tells you how many weeks I am... and I’m about 4-5 weeks. I’ve been experiencing literally every symptom, apart from headaches but I’ve been having really bad cramps and nausea and bloating.

I am so nervous I don’t know how to feel. It’s such a bless but at the same time I don’t know if I am ready...

I just need advice and insight on how you all felt when you guys found out you were pregnant

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I don’t think anyone ever feels ready. It’s an exciting but scary step into parenthood. You will be able to relax more and get more excited as your pregnancy progresses. Congratulations x