Tired of it ..... PLEASE READ.


My boyfriend has been going out the past several weekends. We hve a 2 year old daughter. He comes home till 2-4am something he get home earlier and is outside drinking. I’m just getting so tired of it him going out to local bars, hanging out with his friends not once has he asked me to have a date night. I’m stuck at home with our daughter. He doesn’t work his main job right now. He’s been tattooing on the side to make money while we wait for unemployment checks. We are behind on bills and when he goes out with his friends all I think about is him spending money buying beer . I talked to him the other morning and told him how I felt and he told me he didn’t want to hear it. We are still young 26,25 years old. But going out every weekend???? My child cried tonight once she saw her dad leave and it broke my heart and he just said hi grabbed his beer and left and didn’t stop to come back at all. I called him and he told me I’m going to my friends house, don’t start and al I told him was your daughter is crying because you left and he’s like I’ll be back later . Like wtf being with your friends is more important??? I’m ready to just pick my bags and get out of here. Maybe him having her the whole weekend to himself will make him rethink things and actually see that all she wants to do is spend time with him.