What things have you tried/been told? Any success in your 40's?


Most famous women in their 40s or beyond are using donor eggs. (This came from my reproductive endocrinologist). I am almost 46 and have been using LH strip and BBT charts the whole time (2 years) and even 5 cycles of Letrozole and only got pregnant once/had a chemical pregnancy. That was a year ago. I am still trying.

I had an HSG 1.5 years ago that cleared out the L. Fallopian tube and showed that barely any dye got through the R. Side.

Last month I had a D&C/hysteroscope and removal of small fibroid with myosure.

I have had spotting for 4 to5 days before my period starts and a light menstrual period ever since my IUD perforated 24 years ago after the birth of my 2nd son. My endometrial lining is thin and my RE will ultrasound it this next cycle to check it and check follicles.

I am taking 50 mg DHEA and 30 mg Pregnenolone hoping it helps. For fertility purposes they recommend 75 mg DHEA.

I started jogging again and lifting weights 1 month ago because the only time in my life I ever got pregnant was when I was exercising intensely as a routine. So this is the only thing I have left that I can do/try because I am not willing personally to spend 20K on <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> with donor egg. We will try <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> for the first time this cycle or next cycle and I am not sure what to tell my manager at work without letting her know what needs done??? I don't want people to know at work how desperate we are because of my age they will think I am stupid.

I have been pregnant 5 times but only had 2 live births. My RE says once I am 46 they won't help me anymore because by that age the eggs are not gonna work. She said they will assist me with <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> using donor egg until I am 50 and that by using a donor egg I would have a 60% chance of success.

I had one clinic say that because my endometrial lining is unstable that I would need progesterone supplementation during the luteal phase but my current RE says it hasn't been shown to work?

My D&C showed "disordered proliferative endometrium without Hyperplasia " and another consult advised progesterone supplementation.