
I am so done with this so called Gyn I have! I had a miscarriage on January 29th at home. I seen the baby and all. I still was getting positive on pregnancy tests few weeks after the miscarriage. I tested until I got negative! My period never really returned back to normal after that miscarriage, however I did have light bleeding on March 29th to March 31st. She NEVER followed my Hcg levels from that pregnancy until it went back down to a 0!! So I honestly don’t know what the hell is going on at this point!!

I tested again on April 5th and got a positive test result! My GYN “JUST” called me back today and said my numbers are still around a 26, so that’s more than likely a Etopic Pregnancy and now she’s trying to place me in the hospital to have some type of procedure done! She’s sooo sarcastic EVERY TIME I talk

To her by the way!! I’m just soooo irritated and frustrated with her and all of this at this point I swear!!!!😡 I really don’t know what to do anymore with all this!! 🤦🏾‍♀️