Super Fussy

Sarina • Mother of a Preemie Warrior Follow the link for Astrid's adult shirts. Show your support for preemies and tubie babies 💜

Little Miss was super Fussy yesterday. She was big mad. She had to wait to eat due to getting a blood transfusion. Oh my her cry, I'll never forget a feeding that's for sure. 😅

I'm not going to lie. This whimper face is sooo adorable.

Daddy was unsure on what to do. He's a first time daddy and still learning. But of course Miss Astrid is a Mommies girl already.

She enjoys the song "you are my sunshine" and calms down for a little bit.

She definitely knows the difference between the pacifier and a bottle. After she took a mini nap from throwing a fit, she said no more binkie, and went back to throwing a fit for the bottle.

There's no fooling her on the difference.