Transfer tomorrow - April 15


Transferring my 2BB tomorrow, assuming it survives the thaw process. I’m straddling that line between expecting it to fail and trying to remind myself that expecting that doesn’t help and won’t reduce the pain of failure. It’s my last embryo too, and it was frozen on day 6 because it was slow so none of this is good. Also, with all the drugs and the work stress I just feel like crying all the time.

My husband is so sweet. When I told him our chances were less than 30%, he took a 20-sided die and rolls it whenever we’re in the family room. He doesn’t let me see it, but *somehow* it lands on the top 30% each time.

Going for acupuncture tonight, and taking tomorrow off work entirely so I can just rest and not worry about the deadlines I’m not meeting. I hope it thaws ok and the transfer is possible. Please send me any good wishes you aren’t using at the moment.

UPDATE: The transfer went ahead - it thawed well and she said it was starting to show signs of hatching which was good. Just keeping my head down for the next week and hoping so hard