Trying Low Level Light Therapy to improve Egg quality


I lost my son last week I was just shy of 13 weeks. NIPT came back 99% for Down syndrome. I am now beginning to take supplements to improve my egg quality as I am 42 and have had 3 miscarriages.

I worked with a laser practitioner (CA) when I was in a terrible car accident and suffered a traumatic brain injury. The result were undeniable and the only thing that worked for me. It repaired my brain function over the course of 6 weeks.

I reached out to him to schedule laser treatments for my eggs and was wondering if anyone has gone this route before? He is a Quantum Healer and also told me EMF is damaging my eggs as well. I am in the process of cleaning up my environment and have ordered a cage for my smart meter and WiFi. Unfortunately I have a power pole outside my house so I’m working on how to deal with that.

Would love to hear from anyone who has travelled this route.