I need to rant a little bit

My boyfriend is simply kinda of asshole. Not all the time but sometimes he will be.

That’s not really apart of what just happened that made me need to write this. But I’m putting it in anyway.

So I drive every weekend to his apartment that is a little over 2 hours away. I’ve been doing this for almost a year and we have been dating for 6 months now.

I’m that time, he has driven down to me 3 times. ONce to meet my parents (which he insisted my parents could just go up to him instead) and twice only because I was having after effects of covid and I couldn’t drive.

He’s half ass offered to pay for my gas but that was ages ago and I said no. Deal I’m the beginning was he paid for my food and I’d drive. But that was when we were friends and we kinda split the food now.

ANYWAY so I’m a little disappointed right now. I had this hair appointment that I booked specifically on a Friday so after I could go up and already be halfway to his after the appointment. This was before I knew of his vaccine.

Now he tells me he has his vaccine this Saturday that’s closer to his home town (2 hours and 30 minutes away). So he just asked me what time I’d be at his apartment. I said 630. He’s like damn I wanted to be at my parents by 6:30 at the latest. (There is no reason he even needs to go to his parents on Friday. So idk why he set a time limit. He likes to drive. He has no problem driving at night.)

So I’m like ... okay well lmk what ur gonna do.

HE HAS THE AUDACITY to ask my to go up to his place tonight and leave from his apartment to go to my hair appointment so that he can at least see me this week.

We had planned I’d go back with him to his parents for a week now. He just does not plan ahead. I could’ve made other plans if I had known.

The fact he couldn’t just wait a little longer for me to get there. Then also asks me to go up tonight instead. I feel like I put in so much damn work to this relationship and as soon as something messes with his plans slightly or puts him out, He’s not about it ...

If he had really missed me and wanted to see me he would just wait an extra two hours. Hell I’d offer to drive to his parents so he didn’t have to at night.

Not to sound stuck up, cause honestly I do not think highly of myself. I’m very insecure. But I feel like I just do too much for a lot of people. And I don’t do things to get something out of it in return. So I don’t expect people to be willing to do what I do. But there’s got to be a point where you need to stop giving people so much when they wouldn’t do the same.

There’s so much more about this relationship that I can’t put all in here. So if it seems I’m over reacting, I guess you would need to here more details about everything else.

Because I really don’t think I’m over reacting. Him not doing this just makes me feel like he doesn’t give a shit about me. And that’s really disappointing because I know I care a lot about him and if I were in his shoes I would’ve waited for him.

I also wouldn’t be such a dick all the time if I were him. Like wtf I’m not a mean person why do I deserve to be treated shitty some times.

I know you arent supposed to compare yourself to other’s relationships cuz you dont know the behind the scenes. But I get jealous of others. Just seeing the guy so madly in love with the girl. Like I compare how my brother treated his gfs so nicely and went out of his way to the point it was actually too much. Idk. I just know he’s capable and chooses not to. The whole “if he wanted to he would” thing.


Once I told him I was upset he decided he would stay and wait. I’m still not happy with it but I guess it’s better than he didn’t ignore my feelings and continue w his original plan anyway