am i pregnant?

Kelly • 02/11/21💔angel baby👣👶🏽

i took these 2 days apart both faint lines. went to the ER tonight because i was in SO MUCH PAIN they did a pregnancy test and blood work. they said my HCG levels are high but not higher enough to detect anything there’s a faint line on the pregnancy test but it’s still classified as a “negative test”. to “wait a few weeks and take another test to see if it it’s positive or negative then go see my OB” but i know my body, i’ve never missed a period in my life they have ALL started on time and ended on time. i know that there’s something wrong with my body but “there’s nothing they could do” because “even if it’s an ectopic pregnancy it’s to soon to tell” and that “i most likely wasn’t pregnant anyways” but why are my pregnancy tests coming back positive then? i’m SO CONFUSED. (yes both tests at home and the test at the hospital both lines showed up between the 3-5 min testing time) my period was supposed to start sunday i don’t know what to do...