Sleeping help


Hi all!

My baby turned twelve weeks today and overheated in bed. Unfortunately, after he was born we turned to cosleeping to get through the night. I really did not want to but we did not sleep without it so I made sacrifices. Anyway, now that he is about three months, I want to transition to crib or at least basinet. My problem is that every time I lay him down, day or night, he wakes up in less than thirty minutes (with a few minor exceptions). This is the reason I tired to cosleeping in the first place, but not only do I feel that it's not safe, but he also gets too hot in our bed and I'm starting to lose sleep again because I can't fall/stay asleep.

ULTIMATELY, my question is how did you establish bedtime? How do I manage might feedings while EBF? What is this put to sleep drowsy but awake business? He will never stay asleep in that instance. We only bathe once a week and I will not be adding that to the schedule, but I do need suggestions. I cannot do with lack of sleep this extreme and I also can't manage the cosleeping anymore!

Thank you in advance,

One tired momma