Word of the day is boojina


My daughter is new to using the potty on her own. Almost potty trained. This morning I'm barely awake and she asks me to help her with her outfit because it was stuck.

I sat on the edge of the tub and gathered my thoughts for the day... she literally woke me up.

She finishes and goes to pull up her underwear. She yells, "mommy my boojina is still wet!"

Choking back laughter I asked her to say it again to make sure i heard her right. She repeated that she didnt wipe enough and that her boojina needed to be dry. I seriously am still laughing. This child heard me say the word a few times while I was pregnant (3months post partum) and now shes using it in regular sentences. I'm sharing it with you because I would only get negative comments from family saying i shouldn't say that word in front of her. Thanks to my daughter it is no longer called a vagina in my house. 🤣

I love being a mom.