Ok I'm pissed!


My fiance and I had an agreement after the initial start of this covid bullshit we would begin our family journey. This begins with many trials. I was with my first husband who together we had two special needs babies...who unfortunately their lives was cut short. After testing it was determined it was my now ex who was the factor. After moving on with my life and tying my tubes. I want more babies.. yes I said babies!!! We have talked invocell, <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a>, and natural! I told him since he is a gun broker he could to pocket money to finance our journey...now don't get me wrong ....he is not doing this alone...

But he keeps spending outside our budget and not saving towards our goal.....

Everytime I mentioned it he says "yeah that's what I want" but breaks our bank..... am I waiting on nothing? Wasting my time??????