Bf said he doesn’t plan on proposing to me anytime soon.

Is it wrong of me to feel some type of way that my bf told me that he doesn’t plan to propose anytime soon. So my bf and I are about to be 4 years in just a few months. We been thru a lot together and have grown as a couple.

So a few weeks ago one of his family friends came over and I met her a few times. So during this dinner she asked us “how long have you guys been together” and we responded “3 years almost 4” and she said “oh wow that a long time it about time when u pop the question” and he responded back with “soon” and she then looked at me and said “don’t wait too long honey. You are too pretty to be waiting around for a man. Trust me I waited for a man who never proposed to me” and I responded with “thank you. But no I don’t want to wait around for to long” but I said it in a joking manner. And this was the end of that conversation.

A few days later my bf bring up this convo and he was upset that I agreed with her for not waiting. And I told him “it’s true. I don’t want to wait to long to get married. I don’t want to be someone’s gf for too long” and he got upset and said “you know I can’t leave my house until Morgan(little sis) is 18” and I said “that another 5 years I don’t want to be someone’s gf for 9years.” And he said “I’m not going to propose to u without living with you first. And u don’t want to move in with me and my family and I can’t leave! So what?! I’m not going to leave my family for u and have them fend for themselves” and I said “I never said I wanted u to leave your family. All I said was that I don’t want to be someones gf for that long I want to be engaged and married soon. I’m not talking about in 2 years. Soon as in maybe the next 5 years I want to be married not your gf” and he said “well move in with me” and I said “no. You know how I feel about moving in with your family. I love them to death but I want to have our own place. Where it feels like OUR home not me living in YOUR home. U told me before that u want to help your family and I’m ok with that and we said we will make it work.” And he then stayed quite and apologized for getting angry. And said “look I would love to pack my stuff and rent an apt with u and start our life. I want u to be my wife. You the love of my life. Idk when u said u wouldnt wait it kinda scared me because of my situation. The way life played out I’m stuck here”

Ladies my bf is sort of tied with his family. After his mom passed away 3 years ago he sort of stepped up to the plate and began providing for his family. He pays rent, bills,food, etc... his dad doesn’t work anymore. His older sister also works and my bf and her split the rent and bills. And well his little sister is 13. Overall the family really relies on him and his sister. I’m afraid that he’ll will be “trapped” like this forever. Like I said I wouldn’t mind if he would send money to his family but I’m just afraid this is holding him back from living his life. For example his sister has a bf and they are pretty serious and he is in the navy and one day I asked my bf “what if he proposes to your sister when he comes back? And they get married?” And he said “no he can’t. She can’t.” And I said “why. She would be able to travel with him. That would be exciting” and he said “no we need her here and he can’t take her away. If I can’t live my life with u she can’t live his life with him”