Birth story... 5 months later


Hello mommies, I will try to tell my birth story the best way I remember... on Nov 16th, 2020 I went for my last blood transfusion.. after that blood transfusion my baby heart rate started to drop.. they kept an eye on her heart and suggestion I be admitted in the hospital.. mind you my husband is 2 hours away and it’s just me and my mom... I’m like no I’ll drive back home and go to that hospital.. same hospital just closer to home.. so I make it to the hospital.. husband meets me there.. check in to the labor & delivery unit... husband and mom is there with me.. I was stuck at 1 cm for a long time.. inserted a pill think it start with a C but it didn’t work.. my baby heart rate started going down.. mind you I have sickle cell anemia... so after the pill got done they check me again still stuck at 1 cm.. so they insert the ballon thing in me and that hurted like hell.. so after that I started feeling the contractions that I was having before that I didn’t feel.. so I started crying.. them contractions ain’t no joke.. so I’m still stuck at 1 cm.. having bad contractions.. after hours and hours pass I finally decided to get the epidural.. I was in active labor for 39-40 hours before they decide that I was going to have a c-section.. I was also going into a sickle cell crisis doing labor another reason they decided to do a c-section.. the epidural wasn’t helping with my sickle cell pain it wore off like every 2 hours.. so only one person could come in the back doing my c-section so of course I picked my husband because he’s my husband and it’s our first child! Mommy had left to go get us something to eat anyway.. so all I ready was getting cut open.. pulling me open and I felt all of them pulling me open it hurted like hell and they said it was normal but that’s not normal at all! I remember them saying she was here.. I didn’t hear her crying and I ask them why she was crying and after that I was put to sleep.. my husband was the first one to hold her and see her and my mommy got to see her too.. I got to see and hold her after I woke up from my c-section .. I didn’t feed or change her while in the hospital because I was drugged up off of medicine for my c-section and sickle cell but with the help of my husband and mommy she was in good hands while I recovered!! Now my baby girl is 5 months old as today and she’s so beautiful and smart