Anatomy scan and disappointment

Marty • 👧🏼 08/08/2017, 👧🏻 08/16/2019, 👶🏼 08/27/2021

So I had my 20 week Anatomy scan... I was nervous and excited because I hardly feel kicks because of the placenta in the front and just all around unnerving feeling.

This is my third baby so this isn’t my first time at a scan. I knew the tech wasn’t going to tell me the gender because in Ontario Canada they just don’t unless you get someone nice. And this lady wasn’t !

She was short with me, rude and just wanted me out of there as soon as she could.

I asked if the baby was cooperating ... “I can’t say”

Wtf it’s a yes or no answer.

Then I asked it where she was pressing was the head because it was hurting ... “no”

I tried to have small talk just to lighten the mood and nothing just a sass in her tone.

I Didn’t even show me the baby moving,

just pictures she had already taken of the baby ... not to mention you can’t see the legs so I have no idea what gender the baby is.

I left sad and upset .... and I haven’t stopped crying.... I’ve been pretty emotional the last few days but today was a hard day. Sorry just had to vent....