advice, words, anything

My daughter just turned one year old. period is 10 days late, my periods have been pretty messed up since getting it back postpartum. I wasn’t preventing in anyway, but not trying. I know, bad call😐 i’m feeling overwhelmed as if can i really handle this? it’s freaking me out, i am 21 and will be 22 in september. EDD 12/20/21. i do know i want at least one more child, but i always said i wanted to wait, and maybe down the road. but here it is, def pregnant lol. i want to be happy and excited but i just keep

doubting myself and i’m honestly afraid of the transition from 1 to 2. i feel like me and my daughter have a great routine shes a great little girl. i’m afraid she will be jealous too. or feel like she isn’t getting enough love. any advice, life lessons, encouragement, anything please