Best birth experience ever!!

I don’t mean to brag but.. I had the most awesome birth experience ever.. I’ve just given birth a few days ago, on April 18th. Was due April 15th, so she came right on time.. I chickened out on a scheduled c section on my due date, and I’m so glad I did.. my birth experience was the best ever!! I literally felt no pain thanks to the epidural, and she literally came out herself.. they gave me OD epidural so I didn’t feel anything, and I’d start shaking at first but then the shaking went away and i was completely numb, chillin. After 24 hours of “labor,” which was just me chillin/pushing thru contractions, they gave me an extra dose of pitocin n topped off my epidural n that was it.. She came out herself 10 mins later after the docs had already left the room. I felt her head come out n freaked out n the docs came in, and also freaked out n pushed her back in.. I was like wtf man. Then 5 mins later I had to push her out on my own, which was super easy cuz she was already there basically.. I put a camera down there to see what I was doing and I felt how I needed to push and she was out in less than 5 mins.. i got to see my baby being born!! it was so ideal.. when she came out, I said, “hey!!” And she said, “hey!!” and let out a lil baby cry.. she literally said her first words rite out da womb.. I’m so proud 🥲