Breastmilk production dropped


My LO is 7 mos old and my milk production has started to decrease. Thankfully between my maternity leave and my husband’s paternity leave, our LO was able to be home with us until he was about 6 mos old. Now I take him to my mom’s house during the day while we’re at work. At work I’m able to pump 3x during the day every 3hrs. However, I’ve noticed that my production has drastically decreased. Initially I was consistently pumping 4oz each session. Now that’s dropped to between 2.75 to 3 oz per session. Nothing has changed with me and my lifestyle except my LO is away from me during the day. When we’re together he nurses on demand and still has a pretty good latch for the most part.

My question is has anyone else gone through a similar situation and what can I do to get my production back up? I’ve always drank lactation tea and began eating lactation cookies with no change. I tried fenugreek but was told I’d have to take 9 tablets a day to see an increase.