Seeing babe more frequently

Jenna • Mom of 1🌈👶🏻 ttc #2🤞🏼 lucky number 3 again? 0 for 2 this time around

Just had our twenty week anatomy scan and everything looks great with our baby Matthew. I know typically we wouldn’t see him until the end of the pregnancy, but we actually get to see him again in four weeks. Because I had a cone biopsy (some atypical cervical cells removed) a few years back, they want to keep an extra eye on growth and everything down there. I know it’s more money, but I’m excited we get to see him more frequently, and it’s more money towards our deductible anyways. If you had anything similar in the past and want to see baby more make sure to remind your doctor. Mine almost forgot and said no need to come back till the end, until I reminded her.