Is it out of line for your MIL to set up a play date for your kids?

She has an average grandparent level of involvement. Rarely babysits, she might once or twice per year. We go over their house often though and are close with her, but she doesn’t watch my kids on her own much at all (my preference).

But she’s always inserting herself into my family unit. Like, it is me and my husband AND her. I feel like I married her and my husband. Any opinions she has about our marriage or parenting, she states them as fact and expects them to be listened to. Which we don’t unless it makes sense, but it’s still annoying that she has a comment about seriously every little thing. She always asks about things that are toootally none of her business but she asks so casually as if she feels it is her business. Or my husband and I will be having a private convo and if we are talking quietly in the other room, she will say “what?” As in we need to talk louder so she can be part of the convo. Or if we go to church at the same time, the 3 of us need to sit together and she will save seats to ensure it happens because if she tells us she already saved seats, my husband feels too weird sitting elsewhere. Which I get. But it’s like damn, can’t we do anything as a family of our own??

Now she texted me saying “I’m trying to set up a play date for the girls with a friend from work and her girls. Does Thursday at 10 work for you?”

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