23 month old vomiting before bed?!


So for the past 2 weeks my 23 month old has been throwing up once before being put in her cot/within the first few mins of being in her cot. *she doesn't necessarily cry or cough before throwing up*

She has slept in her cot from 6 months and very rarely wakes during the night. We have maintained the same routine from 6 months bath-massage-story-bottle-bed.

But recently she has been very unsettled, crying and screaming before bed and resisting naps. We assumed sleep regression + separation anxiety.

As she has also become very clingy to her dad and wants to picked up and walked around (like her 2 month old baby sister).

First my husband and I thought she had a tummy bug. We go in and clean her up, she asks for milk and then my husband co sleeps with her.

But one night she said "mama vom clean" and there was no vomit when I went to pick her up. So she knows we will come in and remove her from her cot if she has thrown up.

Any suggestions or experiences similar to this? We have tried to let her cry it out - didn't work. Rocked her back to sleep and put her back in - she woke up a few hours later. Co slept with her dad - again wakes up a few hrs later asking for milk or fussing.

We are at a loss as to what to do. We dont want her throwing up ofcourse. And we don't really want her to cry it out anymore. But we also don't want to make habits like co sleeping which we haven't done previously. Its been very difficult for us all especially as we are co sleeping with my 2 month old.