Period after IUD removal

I had an IUD for the past two years and had it taken out. About two months after I had the iud put in I stopped getting periods all together.. (Amazing.) Before my IUD I had extremely irregular long heavy periods but never experienced much cramping and if I did it didn't affect my normal day and activity. Now that I've gotten off IUD and any form of birth control my period sense to be a very regular 30 day cycle with light to medium periods lasting about 4 days but the cramps I experience are like nothing else. They wake me up from my sleep and I can't even have my body straightened out without doubling over in pain. I try heating pads and pain relievers and hot soup or drinks as well as doing nothing but laying down for the two days that they  generally last. Has anyone else experienced worse cramps after an IUD? And does anyone have more suggestions from cramps other than the things I've already tried! Thanks so much everyone :)