My Birth Story


My edd was Feb 9th, but at my 39 week checkup on Feb 3rd my blood pressure was really high. That along with other health issues throughout my pregnancy I was scheduled to be induced the following morning.

We checked in at 6am. An IV started at 8:05, but contractions too consistent and baby was not active enough for Pitocin. I couldn't feel any contractions. The pitocin started around 11 and they broke my water around noon. I got up about half an hour later to use the bathroom and amniotic fluid went everywhere. There was a lake on the floor. 😂 and I could feel all the contractions after this, which is when I realized I was having back labor.

Originally I told myself I was going medication free, but decided to try iv pain meds. The only kind they offered was fentanyl. That was given at 1:30 and I threw up a little later. The nurse doubled that first dosage an hour later & i was 4.5cm dilated. Noticed bloody mucus plug pieces around 3:20. My blood pressure kept rising so my dr was pushing that I get an epidural to drop it, that was given around 3:30.

Two hours later my right side was still more numb than left, but my blood pressure was finally dropping due to the epidural. I could feel contractions on my left side and it was barely numb around 6:30. I was 9.5cm dilated then.

Spencer Allen born at 8:46 pm after 2.5hrs of pushing. 8lbs 12oz & 19in long. The nurses called him a little linebacker & were cooing about all his hair. He peed on them. 😅

My Dr was only there for maybe 45 mins of that. She have me an episiotomy without asking/explaining why she thought I needed one. My fiance was in the bathroom, otherwise he would've advocated for me. 😔 She also told me at one point that if I didn't have him in the next 15 minutes then she'd give me a cesarean. My son and I weren't in any distress to medically need one, she was just being inpatient. 🙄 She numbed me some more before stitching me up and told me I was being dramatic when I told her that I could feel the needle.

Nurses came in and pushed on my belly every 15 minutes for 2 hours. It switched to every 2 hours after that. We were moved to new room around 12:30am and the pitocin turned off about an hour later. They kept it on to help my uterus contract & shrink down.

All of our nurses were amazing, except for the peds nurse. 🙄 And my ob acted way different than she did at my appointments. I asked a bunch of questions at my appointments, she answered them one way and the complete opposite happened while at the hospital. 😔

I don't mean to scare anyone, just share my story. I hope nobody is stuck delivering with a Dr that acted like mine.