Prospective “single mom by choice”...

I’m about to get <a href="">IUI</a> (at Shady Grove Fertility) because I’ve decided to try to just have a baby on my own, with a sperm donor. (I’m 38 and still single, so this seems to be the “cheapest” way to get a baby 😇) I’m definitely nervous about the whole idea of being pregnant, delivery, and dealing with a newborn, though. (My parents/friends/sister would be helping, so I do have family support.) I’m already on an SSRI, and my doctor recently raised the dose because my blood pressure spiked crazy high at Shady Grove for my first appointment there. 🤷🏼‍♀️So now I kind of feel like Shady Grove (in Towson, Maryland) is giving me major white-coat syndrome. I was just hoping to get some support and/or feedback, because I’m excited about the idea of having a baby but I’m honestly nervous about all the medical/physical stuff... TBH, I’ve never had sex. I almost never go to doctors (not ‘cause I’m scared, but just because I don’t.) This treatment at Shady Grove has been the most often I’ve ever gotten bloodwork done 🤣- so, I’m just trying to work through it - and not let Shady Grove stress me out, honestly. That’s on top of dealing with the surreal thought of being a “single mom,” which I never expected to be; I always thought I would get married and have a baby with a partner.