Hcg only up 53% over the past two days...anyone else experienced this?


Hi everyone,

I’m looking for some insight here. I’m currently 4w2d with baby #2 via <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>. I’m concerned that my most recent blood work doesn’t show the rise we were hoping for. Here are my stats:

Monday, 4/19: 1st hCG (done early bc I tested early) was 27

Wednesday, 4/21: 2nd hCG was 53 (up 96%)

Friday, 4/23: 3rd hCG was 89 (up 67%) and progesterone was 48.4 (solid)

Sunday, 4/25 (today): 4th hCG was 136 (only up 53%)

They’re going to give my body a few extra days to see if it needs more time to produce the hcg and then retest me again this Thursday 4/29. They are also going to to an ultrasound at 5w 5d to check the location of the pregnancy because although it’s progressing the levels make them concerned about ectopic.

Has anyone else been through this? What was your outcome? God this is excruciating to sit in. :( Thank you in advance for any experience you can share. Xo